Coloque entre aspas duplas (eg.: "Jorge Furtado")

5 de nov. de 2010


This movie was set up as a part of the entrance
examination to the filmacademy Baden-Württemberg
in Ludwigsburg.

Shortfilm made in 72h - Johannistrieb - Reawakening - HD from Philipp Ostermann on Vimeo.

The theme given has been:

"Frühling soll mit süßen Blicken
mich berücken und entzücken"

"spring glancing so sweetly at me
shall enchant and delight me."

This theme had to influence the movie in an associative, metaphorical or atmospherical way.

I had 72 hours to work out the concept, idea and screenplay, to shoot and edit it, as well as traveling to Berlin and afterwards to Ludwigsburg to hand out the DVD to the academy.

We shot the movie with a Canon XH-A1, adapter and several fotolenses.

By the way: around august, some trees are getting new leaves and branches. This is called Johannistrieb, which is so to speak a second spring and for this reason the name of my movie.

Oh and yes, searching vimeo for other examinations I always missed one thing:
with this movie I was able to get a college place in Ludwigsburg.

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