O documentário aborda um tema muito comum na nossa sociedade, o alcoolismo na adolescência.
Gênero Documentário, Ficção, Programa Cinema para Todos 2010
Ano 2010
Duração 8 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola Vídeo
País Brasil
Local de Produção: RJ
Ficha Técnica
Apoio Secretaria de Estado de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Cultura em Movimento, Praga Conexões Realização Nathane Cavalini Nascimento, Matheus Zanon de Souza Ribeiro, Raphael Oliveira da Costa, Raphaela Ferreira dos Santos, Jhanathan Santos da Silva, Kézia Machado da Silva, Beatriz Lessa Santiago, Natalia Crispim da Silva Escola Produtora Colégio Estadual Lia Márcia Anaro
Coloque entre aspas duplas (eg.: "Jorge Furtado")
30 de jun. de 2011
29 de jun. de 2011
Futuro Jovem
O vídeo faz uma reflexão sobre o futuro dos jovens: seus sonhos e realizações.
Gênero Documentário, Programa Cinema para Todos 2010
Ano 2010
Duração 5 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola Vídeo
País Brasil
Local de Produção: RJ
Ficha Técnica
Apoio Secretaria de Estado de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Cultura em Movimento, Praga Conexões Realização Maria de Fátima B. Sylvio, Eliane Nogueira dos S. Oliveira, Juliana Mardonado da Silva, Italo Ribeiro, Iago Araújo, Paola Lopes de Oliveira, Celso Arigony Pereira, Rayane Batista de Oliveira, William Santos de Oliveira Escola Produtora CIEP 098 Hilda do Carmo
Gênero Documentário, Programa Cinema para Todos 2010
Ano 2010
Duração 5 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola Vídeo
País Brasil
Local de Produção: RJ
Ficha Técnica
Apoio Secretaria de Estado de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Cultura em Movimento, Praga Conexões Realização Maria de Fátima B. Sylvio, Eliane Nogueira dos S. Oliveira, Juliana Mardonado da Silva, Italo Ribeiro, Iago Araújo, Paola Lopes de Oliveira, Celso Arigony Pereira, Rayane Batista de Oliveira, William Santos de Oliveira Escola Produtora CIEP 098 Hilda do Carmo
28 de jun. de 2011
A Distração De Ivan
Ivan é um menino de 11 anos. Ele vive com a avó no subúrbio do Rio de Janeiro. Em meio ao seu cotidiano de brincadeiras e brigas com os amigos, ele vai amadurecer.
Gênero Ficção
Diretor Cavi Borges, Gustavo Melo
Elenco André Gonçalves, Jhonatan Azevedo, Luciano Vidigal, Marcelo Melo Jr., Mirian Pérsia, Rodrigo da Costa
Ano 2009
Duração 16 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola 35mm
País Brasil
Local de Produção: RJ
Ficha Técnica
Produção Gustavo Pizzi Fotografia Paulo Castiglione Roteiro Gustavo Melo Direção de Arte Fernanda Teixeira, Yves Moura Trilha original Bernardo Gebara Som Ives Rosenfeld, Felipe Mussel Edição de som Dos Outros Sound Design Direção de produção Gustavo Pizzi Produção Executiva Gustavo Pizzi Montagem Fernanda Teixeira
Melhor Trilha Sonora no Cine PE 2009
Melhor Edição no FAM - Florianópolis 2009
Melhor Ator no Festival de Cinema de Canoa Quebrada 2009
Melhor Edição de Som no Festival de Cinema de Santa Maria 2009
Melhor Curta de Ficção no Amazonas Film Festival 2009
Melhor Curta 35mm no Festival de Cinema de Cascavel 2009
Melhor Curta pela ABD e C no Festival de Triunfo 2009
Melhor Trilha Sonora no Curta Cabo Frio 2009
Melhor Curta de Ficção no Festival Audiovisual Visões Periféricas 2009
Menção Honrosa no PUTZ 2009
BRAFFT - Festival Brasileiro de Filmes em Toronto 2010
Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro 2009
Festival de Cannes - Semaine de La Critique 2010
Festival de Havana 2010
Festival Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo 2009
Goiânia Mostra Curtas 2009
Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto 2009
Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes 2010
Cachaça Cinema Clube 2009
Cine Cufa 2010
CineFest Votorantim 2009
Festival de Cinema na Floresta 2009
Festival de Ribeirão Preto 2009
Iguacine - Festival de Cinema de Nova Iguaçu 2009
Mosca - Mostra audiovisual de Cambuquira 2009
Mostra Marília de Cinema 2009
Mostra Cinema Conquista 2009
Subúrbio em Transe 2009
Festival Brasileiro de Cinema Universitário 2009
Festival REC - Vitória - ES 2009
Mostra PUC-Rio 2009
Perro Loco 2009
Gênero Ficção
Diretor Cavi Borges, Gustavo Melo
Elenco André Gonçalves, Jhonatan Azevedo, Luciano Vidigal, Marcelo Melo Jr., Mirian Pérsia, Rodrigo da Costa
Ano 2009
Duração 16 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola 35mm
País Brasil
Local de Produção: RJ
Ficha Técnica
Produção Gustavo Pizzi Fotografia Paulo Castiglione Roteiro Gustavo Melo Direção de Arte Fernanda Teixeira, Yves Moura Trilha original Bernardo Gebara Som Ives Rosenfeld, Felipe Mussel Edição de som Dos Outros Sound Design Direção de produção Gustavo Pizzi Produção Executiva Gustavo Pizzi Montagem Fernanda Teixeira
Melhor Trilha Sonora no Cine PE 2009
Melhor Edição no FAM - Florianópolis 2009
Melhor Ator no Festival de Cinema de Canoa Quebrada 2009
Melhor Edição de Som no Festival de Cinema de Santa Maria 2009
Melhor Curta de Ficção no Amazonas Film Festival 2009
Melhor Curta 35mm no Festival de Cinema de Cascavel 2009
Melhor Curta pela ABD e C no Festival de Triunfo 2009
Melhor Trilha Sonora no Curta Cabo Frio 2009
Melhor Curta de Ficção no Festival Audiovisual Visões Periféricas 2009
Menção Honrosa no PUTZ 2009
BRAFFT - Festival Brasileiro de Filmes em Toronto 2010
Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro 2009
Festival de Cannes - Semaine de La Critique 2010
Festival de Havana 2010
Festival Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo 2009
Goiânia Mostra Curtas 2009
Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto 2009
Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes 2010
Cachaça Cinema Clube 2009
Cine Cufa 2010
CineFest Votorantim 2009
Festival de Cinema na Floresta 2009
Festival de Ribeirão Preto 2009
Iguacine - Festival de Cinema de Nova Iguaçu 2009
Mosca - Mostra audiovisual de Cambuquira 2009
Mostra Marília de Cinema 2009
Mostra Cinema Conquista 2009
Subúrbio em Transe 2009
Festival Brasileiro de Cinema Universitário 2009
Festival REC - Vitória - ES 2009
Mostra PUC-Rio 2009
Perro Loco 2009
27 de jun. de 2011
Festa acabada, músicos a pé.
Gênero Documentário
Diretor Zeca Ferreira
Elenco Áurea Martins, Deli Alves, Leila Rocha, Lu Simões, Ney Sant´Anna, Virgínia Menezes, Zé Maria
Ano 2009
Duração 16 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola HDV
País Brasil
Local de Produção:
Ficha Técnica
Co-produção Zeca Ferreira, Maria Holanda, Marta Paiva Fotografia Pedro Urano Roteiro Zeca Ferreira Edição Bruno Fernandes Direção de Arte Aurora dos Campos Montagem Luelane Correa Interpretação musical Mario Gil
Melhor Filme - Competição de Curtas Digitais no Cine PE 2010
Melhor Montagem - Competição de Curtas Digitais no Cine PE 2010
Prêmio da Crítica no Cine PE 2010
Prêmio Especial do Júri pela Fotografia - Competição de Curtas Digitais no Cine PE 2010
Melhor Trilha Sonora no FAM - Florianópolis 2010
Melhor Curta no Festival Tudo sobre Mulheres 2010
Melhor Vídeo de Ficção - Júri Oficial no Vitória Cine Vídeo 2010
Melhor Fotografia no Curta Canoa 2010
Melhor Som no Curta Canoa 2010
Melhor Atriz no Curta Taquary 2010
Melhor direção no Curta Taquary 2010
Melhor Filme no Curta Taquary 2010
Melhor Roteiro no Curta Taquary 2010
Menção Honrosa no ENTRETODOS - Festival de Curtas-Metragem de Direitos Humanos 2010
Melhor Filme no Festival de Jericoacoara Cinema Digital 2010
Melhor Fotografia no Festival de Jericoacoara Cinema Digital 2010
Melhor Atriz no Festival do Juri Popular 2010
Melhor Filme no Festival do Juri Popular 2010
Melhor Trilha Sonora no Festival do Juri Popular 2010
Melhor Fotografia no Iguacine - Festival de Cinema de Nova Iguaçu 2010
Melhor Documentário no Santa Maria Vídeo e Cinema 2010
Melhor Documentário no Curta Cabo Frio 2010
Melhor direção no Festcine Maracanaú 2010
Gênero Documentário
Diretor Zeca Ferreira
Elenco Áurea Martins, Deli Alves, Leila Rocha, Lu Simões, Ney Sant´Anna, Virgínia Menezes, Zé Maria
Ano 2009
Duração 16 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola HDV
País Brasil
Local de Produção:
Ficha Técnica
Co-produção Zeca Ferreira, Maria Holanda, Marta Paiva Fotografia Pedro Urano Roteiro Zeca Ferreira Edição Bruno Fernandes Direção de Arte Aurora dos Campos Montagem Luelane Correa Interpretação musical Mario Gil
Melhor Filme - Competição de Curtas Digitais no Cine PE 2010
Melhor Montagem - Competição de Curtas Digitais no Cine PE 2010
Prêmio da Crítica no Cine PE 2010
Prêmio Especial do Júri pela Fotografia - Competição de Curtas Digitais no Cine PE 2010
Melhor Trilha Sonora no FAM - Florianópolis 2010
Melhor Curta no Festival Tudo sobre Mulheres 2010
Melhor Vídeo de Ficção - Júri Oficial no Vitória Cine Vídeo 2010
Melhor Fotografia no Curta Canoa 2010
Melhor Som no Curta Canoa 2010
Melhor Atriz no Curta Taquary 2010
Melhor direção no Curta Taquary 2010
Melhor Filme no Curta Taquary 2010
Melhor Roteiro no Curta Taquary 2010
Menção Honrosa no ENTRETODOS - Festival de Curtas-Metragem de Direitos Humanos 2010
Melhor Filme no Festival de Jericoacoara Cinema Digital 2010
Melhor Fotografia no Festival de Jericoacoara Cinema Digital 2010
Melhor Atriz no Festival do Juri Popular 2010
Melhor Filme no Festival do Juri Popular 2010
Melhor Trilha Sonora no Festival do Juri Popular 2010
Melhor Fotografia no Iguacine - Festival de Cinema de Nova Iguaçu 2010
Melhor Documentário no Santa Maria Vídeo e Cinema 2010
Melhor Documentário no Curta Cabo Frio 2010
Melhor direção no Festcine Maracanaú 2010
Postado por
Leandro Borges
6/27/2011 10:49:00 AM
26 de jun. de 2011
A memória de uma geração visitada por seus personagens. O cenário é o centro de uma grande cidade; o enredo a urgência da vida. E o Bailão o ponto de convergência dessas histórias.
Gênero Documentßrio
Diretor Marcelo Caetano
Elenco Armando Nunes, Cacá Munhoz, Ivan Santos, Mozá Pinho
Ano 2009
Duração 16 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola 35mm
País Brasil
Local de Produção: SP
Ficha Técnica
Co-produção Jurandir Muller, Marcelo Caetano, Flora Lahuerta Fotografia Julia Zakia Roteiro Marcelo Caetano Direção de Arte Maíra Mesquita Empresa(s) produtora(s) PaleoTV, Desbun Filmes Depoimentos Ricardo Rocha Aguieiras Montagem Guile Martins
Prêmio Cidadania e Diversidade no APOGLBT-SP 2010
Melhor Curta 35mm no Cine PE 2010
Melhor Montagem no Festival de Brasília 2009
Melhor Montagem no Festival de Cuiabá 2010
Melhor Trilha Adaptada no Festival de Guarnicê 2010
Prêmio ABD no Festival de Guarnicê 2010
10 Melhores Curtas Brasileiros do Público no Festival Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo 2010
Menção Honrosa no Janela Internacional de Cinema do Recife 2010
Melhor Documentário no Vitória Cine Vídeo 2010
Prêmio OCIC-SIGNIS no Vitória Cine Vídeo 2010
Melhor Curta no Festival de Triunfo 2010
Menção Honrosa pela FEPEC no Festival de Triunfo 2010
Melhor Diretor no Festival Mix Brasil 2010
Prêmio aquisição Canal Brasil no Festival Mix Brasil 2010
2º lugar na mostra competitiva nacional no Vale Curtas 2010
Melhor Documentário no Vale Curtas 2010
Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro 2010
FAM - Florianópolis 2010
FancineGay - Festival de Cine Gay y Lésbico de Extremadura 2010
Festival de Atibaia Internacional do Audiovisual 2011
Festival de Cinema de Huesca 2010
Festival Internacional de Curtas de Belo Horizonte 2010
Goiânia Mostra Curtas 2010
Llamale H - Festival Internacional de Cine sobre Diversidad Sexual y de Género 2010
Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto 2010
Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes 2010
Mostra do Audiovisual Paulista 2010
Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema 2010
Amazonas Film Festival 2010
Brasil en Corto 2010
Festival CineMúsica 2010
Festival do Juri Popular 2011
Mostra Cinema e Direitos Humanos na América do Sul 2010
Mostra Londrina de Cinema 2010
San Diego Latino Film Festival 2011
Semana dos Realizadores 2010
Bangalore Queer Film Festival 2011
Cinema Mostra Aids 2010
Festival Brasiliano 2011
Festival de Documentário de Cachoeira - CachoeiraDoc 2010
Mostra Cinema Conquista 2010
Mostra Faróis do Cinema 2010
RIFF - Roma Independent Film Festival 2011
Vues d´en face - Festival International du Film Gay et Lesbien de Grenoble 2011
Gênero Documentßrio
Diretor Marcelo Caetano
Elenco Armando Nunes, Cacá Munhoz, Ivan Santos, Mozá Pinho
Ano 2009
Duração 16 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola 35mm
País Brasil
Local de Produção: SP
Ficha Técnica
Co-produção Jurandir Muller, Marcelo Caetano, Flora Lahuerta Fotografia Julia Zakia Roteiro Marcelo Caetano Direção de Arte Maíra Mesquita Empresa(s) produtora(s) PaleoTV, Desbun Filmes Depoimentos Ricardo Rocha Aguieiras Montagem Guile Martins
Prêmio Cidadania e Diversidade no APOGLBT-SP 2010
Melhor Curta 35mm no Cine PE 2010
Melhor Montagem no Festival de Brasília 2009
Melhor Montagem no Festival de Cuiabá 2010
Melhor Trilha Adaptada no Festival de Guarnicê 2010
Prêmio ABD no Festival de Guarnicê 2010
10 Melhores Curtas Brasileiros do Público no Festival Internacional de Curtas de São Paulo 2010
Menção Honrosa no Janela Internacional de Cinema do Recife 2010
Melhor Documentário no Vitória Cine Vídeo 2010
Prêmio OCIC-SIGNIS no Vitória Cine Vídeo 2010
Melhor Curta no Festival de Triunfo 2010
Menção Honrosa pela FEPEC no Festival de Triunfo 2010
Melhor Diretor no Festival Mix Brasil 2010
Prêmio aquisição Canal Brasil no Festival Mix Brasil 2010
2º lugar na mostra competitiva nacional no Vale Curtas 2010
Melhor Documentário no Vale Curtas 2010
Curta Cinema - Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro 2010
FAM - Florianópolis 2010
FancineGay - Festival de Cine Gay y Lésbico de Extremadura 2010
Festival de Atibaia Internacional do Audiovisual 2011
Festival de Cinema de Huesca 2010
Festival Internacional de Curtas de Belo Horizonte 2010
Goiânia Mostra Curtas 2010
Llamale H - Festival Internacional de Cine sobre Diversidad Sexual y de Género 2010
Mostra de Cinema de Ouro Preto 2010
Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes 2010
Mostra do Audiovisual Paulista 2010
Panorama Internacional Coisa de Cinema 2010
Amazonas Film Festival 2010
Brasil en Corto 2010
Festival CineMúsica 2010
Festival do Juri Popular 2011
Mostra Cinema e Direitos Humanos na América do Sul 2010
Mostra Londrina de Cinema 2010
San Diego Latino Film Festival 2011
Semana dos Realizadores 2010
Bangalore Queer Film Festival 2011
Cinema Mostra Aids 2010
Festival Brasiliano 2011
Festival de Documentário de Cachoeira - CachoeiraDoc 2010
Mostra Cinema Conquista 2010
Mostra Faróis do Cinema 2010
RIFF - Roma Independent Film Festival 2011
Vues d´en face - Festival International du Film Gay et Lesbien de Grenoble 2011
25 de jun. de 2011
Após quase vinte anos, um homem tem um inesperado reencontro com sua amiga de infância. No campo de campim-rosa e verde reluzente, um afago pueril transforma o tormento guardado por este homem. A partir deste momento, uma vida se renova e consegue trilhar um caminho.
Gênero Ficção
Diretor Fausto Filho
Elenco Fausto Filho, Layanne Lira
Ano 2010
Duração 12 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola indisponível
País Brasil
Local de Produção: PE
Ficha Técnica
Produção Fausto Filho Fotografia Bruno Virgulino Roteiro Fausto Filho Edição Saulo Virgulino Som Direto Júnior Siqueira Direção de Arte Fausto Filho, Clara Phillips Edição de som João Martins Figurino Fausto Filho Produção Executiva Musi Promocultural Mixagem João Martins Música Junio Barreto Trilha Sonora Junio Barreto Produção Musical Alexandre Rasec Direção Musical Alexandre Rasec Gravação de som João Martins
Gênero Ficção
Diretor Fausto Filho
Elenco Fausto Filho, Layanne Lira
Ano 2010
Duração 12 min
Cor Colorido
Bitola indisponível
País Brasil
Local de Produção: PE
Ficha Técnica
Produção Fausto Filho Fotografia Bruno Virgulino Roteiro Fausto Filho Edição Saulo Virgulino Som Direto Júnior Siqueira Direção de Arte Fausto Filho, Clara Phillips Edição de som João Martins Figurino Fausto Filho Produção Executiva Musi Promocultural Mixagem João Martins Música Junio Barreto Trilha Sonora Junio Barreto Produção Musical Alexandre Rasec Direção Musical Alexandre Rasec Gravação de som João Martins
24 de jun. de 2011
Porcos não olham para o céu
Pigs don't look up to the sky / Porcos não olham para o céu
Um dos curtas gaúchos mais premiados dos últimos tempos!!!
Você tem mania de quê? Catarina tem de tudo,de limpeza, organização e até de curiosidades. Cansada de tudo resolve acabar com a sua vida. Esperando pelo fim de sua agonia algo inesperado desperta a sua curiosidade e ai que ela se lembra da sua decisão e precisa agir rápido se quiser voltar atrás.
- 5º Curta Santos
*Melhor Filme
*Melhor fotografia
*Melhor Atriz
*Melhor Trilha Sonora
- 4° Festival do Livre Olhar - Flõ 2007
*Melhor Trilha Sonora
- 12° CINE PE
*Melhor Diretor
*Melhor Roteiro
- 15° Festival de cinema e vídeo de Cuiabá
*Melhor curta em vídeo
- 2° Festival de Cinema e Video de Sta Cruz das Palmeiras
*Melhor Roteiro de Ficção
*Melhor Som
*Melhor Video Ficção ( júri popular )
*Menção Honrosa de Melhor Atriz
From the Braziliam director Daniel Marvel this is a short movie about a girl with OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
You have craze of what!? Catherine has of everything: of cleanness, organization and even of curiosidades. Tired of everything it decides to finish with its life. Waiting for the end of its somewhat unexpected agony it awakes its curiosity and ai that it remembers its decision and needs to act fast to want itself to come back behind.
Um dos curtas gaúchos mais premiados dos últimos tempos!!!
Você tem mania de quê? Catarina tem de tudo,de limpeza, organização e até de curiosidades. Cansada de tudo resolve acabar com a sua vida. Esperando pelo fim de sua agonia algo inesperado desperta a sua curiosidade e ai que ela se lembra da sua decisão e precisa agir rápido se quiser voltar atrás.
- 5º Curta Santos
*Melhor Filme
*Melhor fotografia
*Melhor Atriz
*Melhor Trilha Sonora
- 4° Festival do Livre Olhar - Flõ 2007
*Melhor Trilha Sonora
- 12° CINE PE
*Melhor Diretor
*Melhor Roteiro
- 15° Festival de cinema e vídeo de Cuiabá
*Melhor curta em vídeo
- 2° Festival de Cinema e Video de Sta Cruz das Palmeiras
*Melhor Roteiro de Ficção
*Melhor Som
*Melhor Video Ficção ( júri popular )
*Menção Honrosa de Melhor Atriz
From the Braziliam director Daniel Marvel this is a short movie about a girl with OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
You have craze of what!? Catherine has of everything: of cleanness, organization and even of curiosidades. Tired of everything it decides to finish with its life. Waiting for the end of its somewhat unexpected agony it awakes its curiosity and ai that it remembers its decision and needs to act fast to want itself to come back behind.
23 de jun. de 2011
A meaningful life
A confused young man searches for the key to a meaningful life.
Written, filmed and edited in 3 days for a class project.
Written, filmed and edited in 3 days for a class project.
22 de jun. de 2011
Meaningful Touches
Everybody wants it. Everybody needs it. But are they willing to fill out the paperwork to get it?
21 de jun. de 2011
"Emperor" - (Malaysia / Germany 2008, 96min.) ENGL. SUBS
Directed by: Juliane Block
Produced by: Juliane Block & Adrian Lai
Based on the novel Emperor by Braham Singh
Official website: www.emperorthemovie.com
"Zero budget, zero damage."
by Adrian Lai and Juliane Block
Here is our Zero Budget Filmmaking Story:
In Nov 2007, we got together to talk about our movie careers. Juliane was tired of waiting for money to drop from the Gods of Film Funding, and Adrian has had enough of TV bullshit. We wanted to test ourselves to see if we could make a movie for nothing, so we worked around the mantra; "if you don't have money, you can't spend money." Making a movie this way keeps the stakes low and the fun factor high for us. If there's zero budget, there's zero risk for damage.
The genesis for the "Emperor" project was we wanted to do a practice movie, with absolutely no money, at our own time, using any and every available resource around us, and utilizing both Malaysia and Germany (where Julie is from) as locations.
So we kept the premise simple; an action-chase movie, where one guy runs around getting chased by the mob.
Months earlier, we had started putting ourselves out there as filmmakers who were looking for cast and crew to work with. We signed up for acting classes and took part in local theater (Juliane had to learn Tamil for one of them). We made a lot of friends, and treated everyone as nicely as possible (keeping in mind that some or all of them may become useful as cast or crew later on). We shot a short film called "Unsecured Loan", where we learnt that working with a traditional-sized movie crew could be a pain, especially Malaysian ones. Hence, we developed a system of doing it all by ourselves.
So we hung out and developed the idea further. As we got seriously into pre-production, Braham Singh came to us and offered to adapt the first draft of his novel "Emperor", which we developed and weaved into the idea we started with. The story in the movie was born.
Principal shooting began in Germany, over Christmas 2007, and quickly continued back in Malaysia. We literally did everything ourselves. Juliane was director, production manager, AD, secondary camera operator and SFX make-up artist. Adrian was lead actor, DP, primary camera operator, sound supervisor, gaffer and driver. However, credits were also given out deservingly as we had many dedicated helpers on set, and they made us look more heroic than it sounds. Consisting mainly of students and film buffs, we are proud to say that by the end of the "Emperor" shoots, they had graduated into a bona fide film crew.
One of the key to successfully making this movie was, we had not 1, but 3 plan B's! "If this doesn't work, we do this. If this person doesn't turn up, we use this guy" kind of thing. We planned everything to hell, and then somemore. The process was almost mechanical, with little or no space for experimentation. The results however, felt organic, because to a certain extent, it was ALL experiment. The main focus was to FINISH THE SHOOT.
We finished principal shooting in March, took a short break, and went deep into post-production. We had put together a simple setup of iMacs with Apple's Final Cut Studio and an audio-post room, which we now affectionately call "The Factory Movie Studio".
Post-production was a similar story, we did everything ourselves. Juliane did graphics and editing, Adrian did sound design, scored most of the movie, and supervised a couple of collaborators for additional music. When it came to crunch time, we went shopping for quick-preparation foods (supplemented with lots of coffee, chocolate, ice-cream and muesli bars), disappeared from society to camp at the "Factory" (note: no heated shower), and emerged weeks later with a finished movie.
Now we have a movie. So what do we do with it? Fortunately, Juliane was selected for the Berlinale Talent Campus earlier in February, and had met many inspiring characters like Mike Figgis, M Dot Strange and Arin Crumley, who are pioneers in new age film distribution and marketing. Bringing back her experiences and lessons from these gurus, we decided to do it ourselves too, thus completing the whole process independently.
We are now in the process of finding our audience in the new era of social networking: Youtube, Facebook and Myspace, to generate interest in the movie and ourselves as filmmakers.
It is our sincere hope that you will help us on this journey.
Thank you for your time.
Yours truthfully,
Adrian Lai and Juliane Block
Winner Feature Category Portable Film Festival (August 2008)
4th Asian-Pacific Festival of 1st Films, Singapore, nominated for best cinematography (4th - 10th December 2008)
Produced by: Juliane Block & Adrian Lai
Based on the novel Emperor by Braham Singh
Official website: www.emperorthemovie.com
"Zero budget, zero damage."
by Adrian Lai and Juliane Block
Here is our Zero Budget Filmmaking Story:
In Nov 2007, we got together to talk about our movie careers. Juliane was tired of waiting for money to drop from the Gods of Film Funding, and Adrian has had enough of TV bullshit. We wanted to test ourselves to see if we could make a movie for nothing, so we worked around the mantra; "if you don't have money, you can't spend money." Making a movie this way keeps the stakes low and the fun factor high for us. If there's zero budget, there's zero risk for damage.
The genesis for the "Emperor" project was we wanted to do a practice movie, with absolutely no money, at our own time, using any and every available resource around us, and utilizing both Malaysia and Germany (where Julie is from) as locations.
So we kept the premise simple; an action-chase movie, where one guy runs around getting chased by the mob.
Months earlier, we had started putting ourselves out there as filmmakers who were looking for cast and crew to work with. We signed up for acting classes and took part in local theater (Juliane had to learn Tamil for one of them). We made a lot of friends, and treated everyone as nicely as possible (keeping in mind that some or all of them may become useful as cast or crew later on). We shot a short film called "Unsecured Loan", where we learnt that working with a traditional-sized movie crew could be a pain, especially Malaysian ones. Hence, we developed a system of doing it all by ourselves.
So we hung out and developed the idea further. As we got seriously into pre-production, Braham Singh came to us and offered to adapt the first draft of his novel "Emperor", which we developed and weaved into the idea we started with. The story in the movie was born.
Principal shooting began in Germany, over Christmas 2007, and quickly continued back in Malaysia. We literally did everything ourselves. Juliane was director, production manager, AD, secondary camera operator and SFX make-up artist. Adrian was lead actor, DP, primary camera operator, sound supervisor, gaffer and driver. However, credits were also given out deservingly as we had many dedicated helpers on set, and they made us look more heroic than it sounds. Consisting mainly of students and film buffs, we are proud to say that by the end of the "Emperor" shoots, they had graduated into a bona fide film crew.
One of the key to successfully making this movie was, we had not 1, but 3 plan B's! "If this doesn't work, we do this. If this person doesn't turn up, we use this guy" kind of thing. We planned everything to hell, and then somemore. The process was almost mechanical, with little or no space for experimentation. The results however, felt organic, because to a certain extent, it was ALL experiment. The main focus was to FINISH THE SHOOT.
We finished principal shooting in March, took a short break, and went deep into post-production. We had put together a simple setup of iMacs with Apple's Final Cut Studio and an audio-post room, which we now affectionately call "The Factory Movie Studio".
Post-production was a similar story, we did everything ourselves. Juliane did graphics and editing, Adrian did sound design, scored most of the movie, and supervised a couple of collaborators for additional music. When it came to crunch time, we went shopping for quick-preparation foods (supplemented with lots of coffee, chocolate, ice-cream and muesli bars), disappeared from society to camp at the "Factory" (note: no heated shower), and emerged weeks later with a finished movie.
Now we have a movie. So what do we do with it? Fortunately, Juliane was selected for the Berlinale Talent Campus earlier in February, and had met many inspiring characters like Mike Figgis, M Dot Strange and Arin Crumley, who are pioneers in new age film distribution and marketing. Bringing back her experiences and lessons from these gurus, we decided to do it ourselves too, thus completing the whole process independently.
We are now in the process of finding our audience in the new era of social networking: Youtube, Facebook and Myspace, to generate interest in the movie and ourselves as filmmakers.
It is our sincere hope that you will help us on this journey.
Thank you for your time.
Yours truthfully,
Adrian Lai and Juliane Block
Winner Feature Category Portable Film Festival (August 2008)
4th Asian-Pacific Festival of 1st Films, Singapore, nominated for best cinematography (4th - 10th December 2008)
20 de jun. de 2011
Un cortometraje que trata sobre el mundo de las drogas de una forma esperimental.
19 de jun. de 2011
Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho
Curta Metragem:
Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho
Site Oficial: http://www.lacunafilmes.com.br/sozinho
Página no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eunaoquerovoltarsozinho
Sinopse: A vida de Leonardo, um adolescente cego, muda completamente com a chegada de um novo aluno em sua escola. Ao mesmo tempo, ele tem que lidar com os ciúmes da amiga Giovana e entender os sentimentos despertados pelo novo amigo Gabriel.
Ghilherme Lobo (@GhiLobo), Tess Amorim (@TessCoelho), Fabio Audi (@Fabio_Audi)
Roteiro e Direção:
Daniel Ribeiro (@danielribeiro)
Produção Executiva :
Diana Almeida (@DiAlmeida)
Pierre de Kerchove
Direção de Arte:
Olivia Helena Sanches
Cristian Chinen
Edição de Som:
Daniel Turini e Simone Alves
Trilha Sonora:
Tatá Aeroplano e Juliano Polimeno
Produção de Elenco:
Alice Wolfenson e Danilo Gambini
Eu Não Quero Voltar Sozinho
Site Oficial: http://www.lacunafilmes.com.br/sozinho
Página no Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/eunaoquerovoltarsozinho
Sinopse: A vida de Leonardo, um adolescente cego, muda completamente com a chegada de um novo aluno em sua escola. Ao mesmo tempo, ele tem que lidar com os ciúmes da amiga Giovana e entender os sentimentos despertados pelo novo amigo Gabriel.
Ghilherme Lobo (@GhiLobo), Tess Amorim (@TessCoelho), Fabio Audi (@Fabio_Audi)
Roteiro e Direção:
Daniel Ribeiro (@danielribeiro)
Produção Executiva :
Diana Almeida (@DiAlmeida)
Pierre de Kerchove
Direção de Arte:
Olivia Helena Sanches
Cristian Chinen
Edição de Som:
Daniel Turini e Simone Alves
Trilha Sonora:
Tatá Aeroplano e Juliano Polimeno
Produção de Elenco:
Alice Wolfenson e Danilo Gambini
18 de jun. de 2011
17 de jun. de 2011
Directed and Produced by Jane Sydes
Girl - Caitee Cox
Music by Josh Beattie - Find him at http://www.youtube.com/user/ennuipictures
Girl - Caitee Cox
Music by Josh Beattie - Find him at http://www.youtube.com/user/ennuipictures
16 de jun. de 2011
Table 7
Written and Directed by: Marko Slavnic
Official Film Festival Selection:
Palm Springs International
SXSW International
Cleveland International
Twin Rivers Film Festival
Santa Barbara International
Provincetown International
Maine International
Sacramento Film and Video
Milwaukee Film festival
Williamstown Film Festival
Table 7 - short film from Marko Slavnic on Vimeo.
Official Film Festival Selection:
Palm Springs International
SXSW International
Cleveland International
Twin Rivers Film Festival
Santa Barbara International
Provincetown International
Maine International
Sacramento Film and Video
Milwaukee Film festival
Williamstown Film Festival
15 de jun. de 2011
Late Bloomer
Short film directed by Craig Macneill. Written by Clay McLeod Chapman. Produced by Thom Litttle.
Official selection at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, Late Bloomer is a compelling and humorous short film about 7th grade sex ed class gone horribly wrong. Loosely based on the dark tales of H.P. Lovecraft. Audience Award for Best Short Film at the Lake Placid Film Festival Best Short Film at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival .
Directed by, Craig Macneill
Written by, Clay McLeod Chapman
Produced by, Thom Little
Edited by, Emily Williams
Music by, One Ring Zero
Sound Design, Peter Walsh
Production Designers, Mak & Claire Falkenberg
Sam Borenzweig
Lauren Bond
Danicah Waldo
Courtney Merritt
Godfrey Pflager
Official selection at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, Late Bloomer is a compelling and humorous short film about 7th grade sex ed class gone horribly wrong. Loosely based on the dark tales of H.P. Lovecraft. Audience Award for Best Short Film at the Lake Placid Film Festival Best Short Film at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival .
Directed by, Craig Macneill
Written by, Clay McLeod Chapman
Produced by, Thom Little
Edited by, Emily Williams
Music by, One Ring Zero
Sound Design, Peter Walsh
Production Designers, Mak & Claire Falkenberg
Sam Borenzweig
Lauren Bond
Danicah Waldo
Courtney Merritt
Godfrey Pflager
14 de jun. de 2011
13 de jun. de 2011
Newer Edit here: vimeo.com/22434927
Written and Directed by Richard J Moir
2009/10 Dissertation Project
Starring: Omar Alomar and Vanessa Page
Thanks to Pierre Henri Landriau, Tom Ota, Sam Scott, Rosa Payne, Stuart Weston, Kolton Lee and Tony Cryer
It's 20minutes long so give yourself some time to watch it. It's best in one viewing. Hope you enjoy! :)
Richard x
Edit: Fancy giving the film a rating. It's now on IMDb. Here's the link: imdb.com/title/tt1656742/
Witney Film Festival, October 2010
Loch Ness Film Festival, September 2010
Flickering Movie Blog Showcase, September 2010
Written and Directed by Richard J Moir
2009/10 Dissertation Project
Starring: Omar Alomar and Vanessa Page
Thanks to Pierre Henri Landriau, Tom Ota, Sam Scott, Rosa Payne, Stuart Weston, Kolton Lee and Tony Cryer
Seclusionville (Short Film) from Richard J Moir on Vimeo.
A lonely widower, Benjamin, finds a women in the street unconscious one night and takes her home to keep her safe. But things soon start to get suspicious when she tries to go home and Benjamin becomes something more than a helping hand.It's 20minutes long so give yourself some time to watch it. It's best in one viewing. Hope you enjoy! :)
Richard x
Edit: Fancy giving the film a rating. It's now on IMDb. Here's the link: imdb.com/title/tt1656742/
Witney Film Festival, October 2010
Loch Ness Film Festival, September 2010
Flickering Movie Blog Showcase, September 2010
12 de jun. de 2011
Sabine hat niemanden, dem sie von ihren Sehnsüchten erzählen kann, aber sie versucht, ihre Gefühle in selbstverfassten Haikus auszudrücken. Doch selbst die missglücken ihr, weil sie sich eigentlich nur taub fühlt. Sie ist schon lange alleine und scheint sich damit abgefunden zu haben, bis sie ihrem neuen Nachbarn begegnet.
Short plot summary:
Sabine has no one to tell her desires, but she makes an effort to express her longings in haikus she writes herself. Even those poems, however, do not work out well. The reason for this is that she feels to be empty inside herself. She has been alone far too long and seems to have come to terms with this situation until she meets her new neighbour.
Written by: Lena Kammermeier
Cinematography by: Johannes Wiedermann
Edited by: Lorna Hoefler-Steffen
Production Design by: Franziska Rufledt
Sound by: Julio Cesar Rodriguez, Marko Weichler
Music by: David Ziegler
Produced by: Ina Göring, HFF Potsdam Babelsberg, RBB
Starring: Barbara Schnitzler, Horst-Günter Marx, Juana Ramirez, Tsukasa Oguri, Tilla Kratochwill
Country and Year of Production: Germany, 2006
Sabine hat niemanden, dem sie von ihren Sehnsüchten erzählen kann, aber sie versucht, ihre Gefühle in selbstverfassten Haikus auszudrücken. Doch selbst die missglücken ihr, weil sie sich eigentlich nur taub fühlt. Sie ist schon lange alleine und scheint sich damit abgefunden zu haben, bis sie ihrem neuen Nachbarn begegnet.
Short plot summary:
Sabine has no one to tell her desires, but she makes an effort to express her longings in haikus she writes herself. Even those poems, however, do not work out well. The reason for this is that she feels to be empty inside herself. She has been alone far too long and seems to have come to terms with this situation until she meets her new neighbour.
Haiku (eng Subs) (Shortfilm) from Christiane Müller on Vimeo.
Directed by: Florencia HurtadoWritten by: Lena Kammermeier
Cinematography by: Johannes Wiedermann
Edited by: Lorna Hoefler-Steffen
Production Design by: Franziska Rufledt
Sound by: Julio Cesar Rodriguez, Marko Weichler
Music by: David Ziegler
Produced by: Ina Göring, HFF Potsdam Babelsberg, RBB
Starring: Barbara Schnitzler, Horst-Günter Marx, Juana Ramirez, Tsukasa Oguri, Tilla Kratochwill
Country and Year of Production: Germany, 2006
11 de jun. de 2011
Zahia in BIONIC
L'histoire d'une poupée gonflable (Zahia) qui exerce sa propre volonté. Greg Williams
Plus de photos et vidéos sur http://zahia.com
Plus de photos et vidéos sur http://zahia.com
10 de jun. de 2011
Tick Tock
What would you do if you had only five minutes to live? Trace a young man's few minutes of trying to fulfill his life's highest potential.
Never have I put in so much effort into a single short film. This project is the result of hundreds of hours of work from many people. Originally made for Campus MovieFest, this film is definitely the biggest scale and most ambitious project I've ever done. Watch in HD and with good/loud sound! Watch my other films!
We just won Best Picture at the Emory finale event. We will be competing internationally at Hollywood in June! I have also been nominated as one of five people in the nation for the Best Director Award for CMF.
Filmed with a 5d mark ii camera with a 24-70mm lens on a steadicam merlin. We did 36 takes to get the right one. Morgan and I went running weeks before to get our cardio into shape for the shoot. Yes, the final film is all in one take. Everything was shot on the Oxford College of Emory campus.
Subscribe! "Like" me on facebook to see my future stuff!
Morgan Ayres (Emit): http://www.morganayres.net
Valee Gallant (Rena): http://www.youtube.com/user/KavaChannel
Maurice Winsell (buddy): http://twitter.com/MauriceWinsell
raw unedited footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNt4tCwg50s&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
behind the scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaBnUAfLq4M
Campus MovieFest:
Website - http://campusmoviefest.com
Facebook - http://campusmoviefest.com/facebook
Twitter - http://twitter.com/campusmoviefest
Never have I put in so much effort into a single short film. This project is the result of hundreds of hours of work from many people. Originally made for Campus MovieFest, this film is definitely the biggest scale and most ambitious project I've ever done. Watch in HD and with good/loud sound! Watch my other films!
We just won Best Picture at the Emory finale event. We will be competing internationally at Hollywood in June! I have also been nominated as one of five people in the nation for the Best Director Award for CMF.
Filmed with a 5d mark ii camera with a 24-70mm lens on a steadicam merlin. We did 36 takes to get the right one. Morgan and I went running weeks before to get our cardio into shape for the shoot. Yes, the final film is all in one take. Everything was shot on the Oxford College of Emory campus.
Subscribe! "Like" me on facebook to see my future stuff!
Morgan Ayres (Emit): http://www.morganayres.net
Valee Gallant (Rena): http://www.youtube.com/user/KavaChannel
Maurice Winsell (buddy): http://twitter.com/MauriceWinsell
raw unedited footage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNt4tCwg50s&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
behind the scenes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaBnUAfLq4M
Campus MovieFest:
Website - http://campusmoviefest.com
Facebook - http://campusmoviefest.com/facebook
Twitter - http://twitter.com/campusmoviefest
9 de jun. de 2011
Le nouveau
Film d'animation de 7min réalisé par 4 étudiants de l'ESMA. réalisateurs :
Fanny Dagoumel, Axel Graux, Antony Lacordaire, Gaelle Lefebvre.
Le nouveau | a student short film. por strouphy
Fanny Dagoumel, Axel Graux, Antony Lacordaire, Gaelle Lefebvre.
Le nouveau | a student short film. por strouphy
8 de jun. de 2011
added by Louise Curran Producer The Door
THE DOOR - Short Film from Octagon Films on Vimeo.
7 de jun. de 2011
A man hangs off the edge of skyscraper far above a future city. His clone pursues him with a single purpose; the vial of pure DNA essence which all clones are reliant on to preserve their life force. Should he hand over the vial or plunge to his death? Would you trust a clone of yourself with your life? Would you trust yourself...
CLONE - Short Film por HuntForGollum
Clone was shot in 4 hours on the rooftop of a London flat!
From Independent Online Cinema, makers of The Hunt For Gollum
Directed by Chris Bouchard
CGI by Adam Thomas.
Matte Paintings by Tiager Design
Starring Adrian Webster
Crew: Ash Maharaj, Spencer Duru
Featured at SCI-FI-LONDON 2010,
CLONE - Short Film por HuntForGollum
Clone was shot in 4 hours on the rooftop of a London flat!
From Independent Online Cinema, makers of The Hunt For Gollum
Directed by Chris Bouchard
CGI by Adam Thomas.
Matte Paintings by Tiager Design
Starring Adrian Webster
Crew: Ash Maharaj, Spencer Duru
Featured at SCI-FI-LONDON 2010,
6 de jun. de 2011
5 de jun. de 2011
Pigeon: Impossible
A rookie secret agent is faced with a problem seldom covered in basic training: what to do when a curious pigeon gets trapped inside your multi-million dollar, government-issued nuclear briefcase.
4 de jun. de 2011
3 de jun. de 2011
Watch in HD! It looks really bad otherwise!
This is my senior thesis from the Ringling College of Art + Design. The general premise is that I have cast the periodic elements as children in elementary school, and we follow Oxygen as he tries to make friends on the playground.
Unfortunately for Oxygen, he is unaware of the many things that can go wrong when trying to interact with his other elementary kin...
This is my senior thesis from the Ringling College of Art + Design. The general premise is that I have cast the periodic elements as children in elementary school, and we follow Oxygen as he tries to make friends on the playground.
Unfortunately for Oxygen, he is unaware of the many things that can go wrong when trying to interact with his other elementary kin...
2 de jun. de 2011
Snow Showers and Moonlit Flowers
This is my senior thesis from Ringling College of Art and Design's computer animation department 2009.
This is a low quality version. For a high quality video, please visit my website! www.DawnRivers.com
This is a low quality version. For a high quality video, please visit my website! www.DawnRivers.com
1 de jun. de 2011
Postagens (Atom)